New Jersey Family Law Firm
NJ Family Law Service
Our office handles every area of family law matters in South Jersey and Philadelphia. Whether it's child custody, divorce, parenting time, child support, alimony or domestic violence, our office has the experience and is ready to help you achieve your goals. Nothing is more important than making sure you have the right attorney by your side during such an important life-changing event as divorce. Whether it’s divorce with no children, small children, teenagers, or even adult children, this is a huge step in your life, and our office has the experience and compassion to assist. While New Jersey is an equitable distribution state, that doesn’t always mean 50/50. Every case is different and unique and therefore individual facts do matter given your personal situation.

Having personally experienced divorce, I understand the very difficult decision that people face when coming to the understanding that their marriage is over. Divorce is a very personal journey, but it does not have to be a difficult one if both parties are willing to work together. My experiences both professionally and personally allow my clients to navigate through their own divorce as efficiently as possible.
Child Custody
In New Jersey, custody is usually a joint custodial arrangement unless one of the parties has been abusive towards the children or is experiencing a substance abuse issue. Parents must learn to co-parent with one another regarding the issues of education, extracurricular activities, medical, and religious decisions involving their children.
Parenting Time
No longer called visitation, parenting time for the parties can vary on a case by case basis. Every family is different, and every family has its own needs. That being said, there is a presumption that a joint parenting time plan or 50/50 parenting plan can be accomplished so that both parties can have bonding time with the children.
Domestic Violence
To many people domestic violence must include physical violence. However, this is far from the truth. Domestic violence can be forms of emotional, mental, and financial abuse. Further in this age of technology, the court has also expanded to include harassing text messages or social media posts, cyber stalking, or actual physical stalking. You do not have to have physical injuries in order to be a victim of domestic violence. All forms of abuse count as abuse, and you are entitled to the protections under the New Jersey Domestic Violence statute.
Child Support
Under the New Jersey Child support Guidelines, the income of both parties is necessary in order to determine the appropriate amount of child support. Along with the cost of any medical insurance and daycare costs, the amount of overnights each party has with the child/children are also used to calculate the weekly obligation. The formula allows for very little wiggle room, which allows the parties to resolve their differences more efficiently. Knowing that the guidelines are a set calculation eliminates the ability for the parties to dispute the amount.
Equitable Distribution
Previously when I represented creditors in foreclosure proceedings, I gained an intimate understanding of the perspective, interests, and priorities of mortgage lenders and finance companies. Today, this allows me to develop creative and dynamic strategies to accomplish client goals for equitably distributing assets during divorce actions. Because of my unique background, I am able to advise my clients about financial options which are both realistic and sustainable long term, as well as to help clients with the financial issues they face every day as they proceed through the family law process.
Antenuptial Agreements/Prenups
Many couples experiencing a second marriage or a first marriage with many premarital assets find it beneficial to protect themselves from any future divorce proceedings. While many feel this is the “waiting for the marriage to end” approach, nothing can be further from the truth. An agreement such as this allows the parties to divide their assets more efficiently should divorce arise sooner. The stress of divorce usually comes due to the division of assets between the parties or custodial arrangements with children. Regardless of the reason for the stress, divorce is not just felt by the parties but by their children. The lack of stress between parties can allow them to properly focus on their children or other aspects of the divorce proceedings.
Domestic Violence
With domestic violence, we understand abuse can happen in different ways: verbal, mental, and emotional abuse. We also know that men can be victims as well. Our main concern is for your physical and mental well-being and safety. Sadly, not all “victims'' are valid victims and instead use Orders of Protection as a way to get a spouse removed from the home and taken away from the children. The ramifications of a final restraining order are life changing and, where necessary, the appropriate defense must be mounted to ensure the correct outcome is obtained.
Landlord Tenant Relations in Divorce
For clients who are tenants, my past knowledge of landlord tenant laws can assist those who find themselves having to break a lease early due to domestic violence, divorce, or separation. As a landlord, if you find one of your tenants is going through a divorce, my knowledge will help you navigate how best to deal with that tenant’s circumstances.
Mortgage Foreclosure
My background in mortgage foreclosure allows me to understand the different programs and options that are out there in order to enable you to either retain your home or find the best possible solution should the property have to be sold.
Bankruptcy in Divorce
Unfortunately, many separations and divorces are due to the financial struggles between the parties. My years of experience with chapter 13 and chapter 7 bankruptcies allows me to better serve you and to advise you about the pros and cons of seeking chapter 13 or chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. Plus, by maintaining my working relationships with many bankruptcy practitioners, if you do choose to file for bankruptcy, I can refer you to the lawyers I recommend: practitioners with many years of experience.